Third Party Research

Agriculture, Food Processing & Agri-Tech

Crop Insurance Introduction, Journey

Estimating Global Forest-Based

Overview of the AgriTech Sector in India

Agri start-ups: Heralding the next

Overview of the AgriTech Sector in India

Agriculture And Allied Industries – IBEF

Agritech – towards transforming Indian

Indian Food Processing Sector – Trends

The role of tech-enabled formal

The role of tech-enabled formal financing

Creating an ecosystem for increasing water-use

Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2019

Farm mechanisation: Ensuring a sustainable

Farm mechanisation: Ensuring a sustainable

Indian Food Processing Sector

2018 GCCA Global Cold Storage Capacity Report

National Action Plan For Dairy Development

National Round Table Conference

Setting up a Bio-Fertilizers and

Affordable Housing & Sustainable Urbanization

Report of the Committee on the Development of Housing Finance Securitisation Market

Circular Economy In India: Rethinking Growth For Long-term Prosperity

Disabilities, Accessibility & Inclusion

State of the Education Report for India 2019

Promoting Startups in Eldercare

Factors Influencing the Accessibility

Center for Financial Inclusion

Investing in Accessibility in Asia and the Pacific

NSDL e-Governance Infrastructure Limited

Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan)

Current State of Inclusion of People

Business models for inclusive mobility

Disability-Inclusive Public Procurement

Harmonised Guidelines And Space Standards

A New Financial Access Frontier : People with Disabilities

Education, Employability, Skills & EdTech

Transforming learning through mEducation

Student Housing Market Overview

Education Technology (EdTech) A USD 30 Billion

Government of India – Remote Learning Initiatives Across India

India Report Digital Education

The Future Of India’s $2 Bn Edtech Opportunity

Education to Employment: Designing a System that Works

( Mckinsey Center for Government )

Assessing the impact of Right to Education Act

Education loan sector in India

Online education in India : 2021

Re-engineering the skill ecosystem

Assessing the impact of Right to Education

Financial Inclusion & FinTech

Review of Savings Options for MFIs in India

What is the size and scope of the impact

Digital India Payments Limited

Inclusion through distribution

Indian Agriculture: Ripe for Disruption

Tracxn Feed GEO Report Fintech – India

Svakarma Finance Private Limited

NBFC Sector Assessment – Vivriti Capital

India Insurtech landscape and trends

Improving Economic Dynamism and Accelerating MSME growth

Vision of microfinance in India

A wider circle Digital lending and the changing

Digital Insurance Channel choices driving market expansion

Fintech landing Unlocking Untapped Potential

Unlocking the ₹ 100 Trillion Opportunity

India Digital Financial Inclusion

Financing India’s MSMEs – Estimation of Debt Requirement of MSMEs in India

Insurtech—the threat that inspires

The Digital Financial Services Ecosystem

FinTechnicolor : The New Picture in Finance

The Pursuit of Complete Financial Inclusion

Gender Equality, Women Inclusion, Empowerment & Livelihoods

A Landscape Study On Women Entrepreneurship

Women-owned Businesses in India

Creative Economy Nation Building

Women in Leadership: Why It Matters

Women’s Leadership In The Development Sector

Renewable Energy, CleanTech & Climate Change Infra

Microgrid Market Analysis & Investment Opportunities

Cleantech Global trends and Indian scenario

9th Green Energy Summit Concept Note

9th Green Energy Summit – Program Structure

Electric Vehicles Charging towards a bright future

Transforming the Energy Services Sector in India

Sustainable Manufacturing, Infrastructure & Supply Chains

Global Mobility Summit – Efficiency And Sustainability In Indian Logistics

India – On the Cusp of a Logistics Revolution

Healthcare, Medical & HealthTech

Pharma 2020: Challenging business models

Note on Health and Wellness Centres

Medical Value Travel In India

The Affordable Care Act in a Global Context

Funding Indian healthcare Catalysing

Financing and Funding Indian Healthcare

India : Building Best Practices In Healthcare

An Assessment of India’s Laboratory Diagnostic Industry

2021 global health care outlook

India Life Sciences Report 2019

Unleashing the HealthTech Potential

Initiating Coverage – Diagnostics Sector

Investment Opportunities in India’s

Edelweiss Professional Investor Research

World Bank – India Development update

Reshaping India into a life sciences innovation hub

Financing Universal Health Coverage In India

WASH (Water, Sanitation, Hygiene) & Waste Management

Reaching Everyone, Everywhere

State of the World’s SANITATION

Occupational Health Hazards And Safety

Primer on Faecal Sludge and Septage

Faecal Sludge Management In India

Infrastructure and Investments in WATSAN

Synthesis Document: Skilling in Sanitation

Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation

An Assessment of Faecal Sludge Management

Market Driven Approach for Selection

Technical Brief : Sanitation System

Faecal Sludge And Septage Management

Health, Safety and Social Security

Water for the World Country Plan

Decentralized Wastewater and Fecal

Sanitation worker safety and livelihoods

The Sanitation Economy In India

ASSOCHAM – Waste Management in India – Shifting Gears

National Policy on Faecal Sludge

Trends in Private Sector Participation


BAIN – India Philanthropy Report 2020

BAIN – India Philanthropy Report 2019

Enabling Philanthropy and Social Impact in India – 2019

Approaches and Challenges

Enabling Philanthropy and Social Impact in India – Jan 2019

State of the Support Ecosystem

Emerging Philanthrophy in India

(National Foundation for India)

Designing philanthropy for impact

( McKinsey & Company )

Revealing Indian Philanthrophy

(Edited by Mathieu Cantegreil, Dweep Chanana, Ruth Kattumuri)

2012 India Philanthropy Report

(Bain and Company)

2011 India Philanthropy Report

(Bain and Company)

2010 An Overview of Philanthropy in India

(Bain and Company)

Impact Investment

The India Impact Investing Story

Mackinser Purpose Based Finance

India Venture capital and Private Equity Report-2013

An Analysis of Impact Investments in India (IIT Madras)

Impact Investing Reaches a Tipping Point in India

Unitus Seed Fund

The Indian Impact Investing Story


India Impact Equity Investment Report -2013

(Unitus Capital)

The Impact Investor Survey

Spotlight on the Market – J. P. Morgan

Brookings India Impact Report

On Impact – A guide to the Impact revolution

Responsible Investing

National Voluntary Guidelines

Sustainable Investing

India CSR Report

(Socio Research and Reform Foundation)

Government Impact Policies

Twelfth Five Year Plan

(Planning Commission)


Corporate, Investor & Non-Profit Impact Assessments

CAF India releases ‘Online Giving in India’ Report


India – On the Cusp of a Logistics Revolution


A Preliminary Framework for Product Impact

Impact – Weighted Financial Accounts


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