Saumya Lashkari headed Good & Green (CSR & Environmental Sustainability) for Godrej Industries from late 2012 to March 2015. She was responsible for operationalizing the strategic sustainability vision for 2020, and led the company’s efforts to achieve its Good & Green goals of creating a more employable Indian workforce, a greener India, and innovating for good and green products. Prior to joining Godrej, Saumya spent a decade with General Electric in the USA in various technology related roles, followed by 3 years in India establishing Genpact’s Global CSR program, and then 2 years consulting with local non-profit organizations. Saumya began her career in 1997 with General Electric USA, through the Information Management Leadership Program (IMLP) – a fast track, rotational program designed to develop high potential candidates for GE’s leading management positions.
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