Join us on 3 December 2021 at 3 – 4 PM as we unveil 10 Impact Investment Ideas in the Accessibility, Disabilities & Inclusion sector
What to expect:
- Listen to industry impact leaders and their expertise from the Accessibility, Disabilities & Inclusion Impact Community
- Top 10 For-Profit business ideas that can attract impact Investments
- Future trends & opportunities
- Innovative ideas to create a profitable startup and spread impact
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On the occasion of International Day of Disabled Persons: 3 December 2021, the Impact Future Project (IFP), India’s first Impact dedicated collaborative platform will unveil the top 10 Impact Investment ideas in the Accessibility, Disabilities & Inclusion sector. The top 10 Impact Investment ideas have been researched and discussed by notable Indian leaders with experience and expertise in the sector.
As many as five, Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) have direct reference to disability inclusion in educational facilities, infrastructure designs, public spaces, public transportation and access to Information and Communications Technology. Another six SDGs have implicit mention of accessibility and disability inclusion in global development agendas by 2030.
As per the National Statistics Office report on disability released in 2019, 2.2% of India’s population (or 2.68 crore) lives under some kind of physical or mental disability (NSO Report) – this is more than the entire population of Australia.
Out of these, 1.2 crore were just children whose parents were grossly unaware of the financial implications of raising a child with special needs. Furthermore, 75% of India’s disabled kids never attend a school in their lifetime.
The proportion of the population facing disability becomes bigger as one moves from a narrow definition to a broader one. For instance, if one defines disability as the difficulty in accessing public services for all kinds of reasons, even social or economic, then the proportion goes up.
IFP leaders from the Accessibility, Disability and Inclusion sector have discussed extensively to come out with 10 Impact Ideas in the sector which will help achieve the notion of “leaving no one behind”. The ideas also provide significant advantage to corporations while achieving the UNSDGs for India.
The disability market presents a tremendous opportunity for the private sector to generate social outcomes as well as sizable economic value. A historically underserved disabled population provides an attractive investment opportunity to not only serve the existing unmet demands of the rising elderly and disabled community but also create significant social impact at the national and international level.
Join us on 3 December 2021 as we unveil 10 Impact Ideas in the Accessibility, Disability and Inclusion sector that will transform India into an Impact Economy.
How to Join us:
The Log-In Link for the webinar will be emailed to you after registration. You are further requested to login a few minutes prior to the scheduled start of the event.
Webinar Details:
Date: 3 December 2021
Time: 03:00 pm to 04:00 pm IST
Log-In Link: This will be emailed to you after registration.
Impact Leaders

Anand Kutre
Truce Consulting

Apoorv Kulkarni
Ola Mobility Institute

Aradhana Lal
Lemon Tree hotels

Ashok Pamidi
NASSCOM Foundation

Balendu Sharma

Bhushan Punani
Blind People Association

John Alex
Equitas Holdings

Prof Mukta Kulkarni
IIM Bangalore

Nandini Rawal
Blind People Association

Pranav Desai
Voice of SAP

Prateek Madhav
AssisTech Foundation

Rajasekharan P

Shashaank Awasthi

Shivendra Prasad
Innover Digital

Stuti Narain Kacker

Vidhya Y
Vision Empower