Advisory Councils
Council of Elders

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Arun Maira
Planning Commission

Arun Maira
Planning Commission

Dr. Pradip N. Khandwalla
Dr. Pradip N. Khandwalla served as a Director of IIMA until 1996. Dr. Khandwalla also served on the Boards of numerous corporations and on the governing councils of several institutions. Dr. Khandwalla has made contribution in the areas of Management, Organizational Sciences etc. by authoring over a dozen books and 80 papers and articles in Indian and foreign journals and learned anthologies. His research and teaching contributions have been in organizational theory and design and restructuring of organizations for management of excellence, innovative turnaround management, effective management of public enterprises and governmental organizations, and creativity and innovation. Dr. Khandwalla has won many international and Indian awards. He is an Associate Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Dr. Khandwalla taught at McGill University, Canada for several years. He has M.B.A. from Wharton, Pennsylvania and Ph.D. from Carnegie-Mellon in U.S.A

Ravi Kant
Fmr Tata Motors
Ravi Kant has played a significant role as CEO/Vice Chairman in making TATA MOTORS (TML) an admired and successful Indian multinational company. He has chaired and held seats on several Tata company boards. Currently he sits on the boards of Vedanta Ltd and Kone, Helsinki, as well as US-based non-profit organisations Enactus and Wonder Work.
The Chairman of IIM Rohtak, he is on the advisory board of IIT Kharagpur and IIT Mumbai as well as on the boards of the NID, and CGIO of the Business School at National University of Singapore. He has chaired the Advertising Standards Council of India, the Audit Bureau of Circulation and the Society of Indian Automobiles Manufacturers.
He studied at Mayo College, Ajmer, received his Bachelor of Technology (Honours) in Metallurgical Engineering from IIT, Kharagpur, India and Master of Science ( Management Techniques in Industry), Aston University, UK. He has been conferred with a distinguished Alumnus Award by the first two and an honorary Doctor of Science (Honorary Causa) from Aston University, in the UK. He is an honorary Industrial Professor at the University of Warwick UK.

Vijay Mahajan
Rajiv Gandhi Foundation
Vijay Mahajan is the Founder and Chairman of the BASIX Group. He served on the Rangarajan Committee on Financial Inclusion and the Raghuram Rajan Committee on Financial Sector Reforms. He co-authored a book “The Forgotten Sector” and has written 60 articles. He is Chair of the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP), a global microfi nance forum, comprising nearly 40 bilateral, multilateral and foundations in development. He is an alumnus of IIM-A and IIT-Delhi, and a mid-career Fellow at the Princeton University, USA.
Council of Governors

Anshu Gupta
Anshu Gupta is Popularly known as the Clothing Man, has done his Mass communications twice and masters in Economics. Starting as a freelance journalist, Anshu left a corporate job in 1998 and founded GOONJ with a mission to make clothing a matter of concern and to bring it among the list of subjects for the development sector. A powerful and inspiring speaker, Anshu addresses many national and international forums to bring clothing on the development agenda and to motivate the youth to take action. An Ashoka & Schwab Fellow, he is a regular speaker in many parts of the world on innovation, leadership, village development, power of youths and social entrepreneurship

Apoorva Oza
Aga Khan Rural Support Programme
Apoorva Oza is currently the Global Lead for Agriculture &Food Security at the Aga Khan Foundation, and was the CEO of the Aga Khan Rural Support Programme(India) for over 20 years. A keen advocate of the civil society sector, he has promoted many CSO networks. Climate Resilience is his current area of interest.

Deepali Khanna
The Rockefeller Foundation
Deepali Khanna is the Managing Director of the Asia Regional Office of The Rockefeller Foundation. She leads the Foundation’s initiatives to catalyze strategic collaborations in Asia. Deepali has worked in the development sector for closer to four decades with organizations such as The MasterCard Foundation, Plan International, and UNICEF around the world. She is a founding member of South Asia Women in Energy (SAWIE).

Naghma Parvez Mulla
EdelGive Foundation
A professional in the philanthropic sector for the last five years, I am a Chartered Accountant and a Masters in Commerce by education. Philanthropy happened to me by accident but it took me just about a month to fall in love with it. My job in EdelGive Foundation has given me a great opportunity to interact with multiple stakeholders, understand their requirements and structure solutions that are mutually beneficial to all. I am the COO and lead the work in funding great philanthropic opportunities, help in their organisational development and connecting them to more donors. I am also Board member, Railway Children India and mentor at NSRCEL-IIM Bangalore’s Incubation Programme for Non-Profits.

Dr Ram Sharma
UPES, Dehradun
Dr Ram K Sharma has been driving academic transformation & innovation, internationalization, use of technology to solve access, quality & equity related issues and STEAM & experiential education across the higher educational organisations. He has expertise in setting-up green field universities as well as transforming brown field institutions & has held leadership roles across organisations such as UPES, Plaksha University, Shiv Nadar University (SNU), Amity University & KPMG India. Dr Ram has helped these institutions establish & transform verticals across learning & teaching, research, entrepreneurship & innovation, e-learning, & quality assurance including strategic interventions for rankings, & accreditations. He has been a Fulbright Scholar - University of California Berkeley & a Chevening Gurukul Fellow - University of Oxford.

Reema Nanavaty
Reema Nanavaty is the Director of SEWA – the largest trade union of informal sector women workers with membership of over 2.1 million members. She was honored by Padma Shri in 2013. She was a member of the Advisory Council on Gender of the World Bank Group, and was a commissioner on the ILO’s High Level Global Commission on Future of Work.

Shashaank Awasthi
Shashaank Awasthi is co-founder of v-shesh and India Advisor at Gray Ghost Ventures. His work in disability inclusion, mental health and wellbeing, financial inclusion, investing and teaching has been in pursuit of inclusive and accessible environments.
Council of Donors

V. Bunty Bohra
Goldman Sachs Services
V. Bunty Bohra is Chief Executive Officer of Goldman Sachs Services in India with responsibility for all the firm’s divisions in Bangalore. He also sits on several regional and global committees and councils within Goldman Sachs. Prior to assuming his current role in 2009, he was Global Head of the Structured Product Syndicate desk in the Fixed Income, Currency and Commodities Division and Co-Head of the Structured Finance Group in the Americas. Bohra serves on the Advisory Board of the MIT Sloan Finance Group. He earned dual degrees in Chemical Engineering and Management Science from MIT in 1996.
Former Elders

Late Smt. Ela Ramesh Bhatt
Ela Ramesh Bhatt is the founder of the Self-Employed Women’s Association of India (SEWA). A lawyer by training, Bhatt is a respected leader of the international labour, cooperative, women, and micro-finance movements. She was one of the founders of Women’s World Banking in 1979 with Esther Ocloo and Michaela Walsh, and served as its chair from 1980 to 1998. She currently serves as the Chair of the SEWA Cooperative Bank, of HomeNet, of the International Alliance of Street Vendors, and of WIEGO. She is also a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation. She was granted an honorary Doctorate degree in Humane Letters by Harvard University in June 2001. Ela Bhatt was also awarded the civilian honour of Padma Shri by the Government of India in 1985, and the Padma Bhushan in 1986. She was awarded the Ramon Magsaysay Award for Community Leadership in 1977 and the Right Livelihood Award in 1984.